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Application range The Nernst R series non-heated high temperature oxygen probe is used to directly measure the oxygen content in various sintering furnaces, mesh bag furnaces, powder metallurgy sintering furnaces, and petrochemical industries. Ulanylýan sül gaz temperaturasy 700 ° C-Europeewropanyň diapazon tarapynda, 1400 ° C. Daşarky gorag materialy alýumin oksidi (korund). The probe can be directly connected to Nernst's oxygen analyzer. It can also be equipped with oxygen analyzers and oxy...
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Application range The Nernst N2001 oxygen analyzer is widely used in the detection of oxygen content in the combustion process of electric power, metallurgy, steel, chemical industry, ceramics, incineration, etc.It can also directly monitor the oxygen content in the flue gas of boilers, kilns, sintering furnaces, heating furnaces, pit annealing furnaces, etc. during or after Tusmak. üýtgetmek, ölçegijetiň temperaturany we çyzgy adaty temperatura 1400 ° Cbe-a çenli bolup biler ...
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  • Elektrik stansiýasy

    Elektrik stansiýasy

    Directly monitor the oxygen content in power plant boilers, waste incineration, kiln combustion or post-combustion flue gas with the Nernst Zirconia Oxygen Analyzer. It can reduce a lot of energy consumption, control environmental pollution, ensure safe production and prolong the service life of equipment, and recover all investment in a short time. "Nertst Zirkenia eraratory" daşky gurşaw hapalanan mahaly ykdysady peýikany öndürip biljek ýeke-täk enjamdyr.

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  • Hivitumumokary temperatura, ýokary tümeligi uly tozan we käbirleri partlama subutnamasydyr. Şu wagt araçe kislorasiýany arassalanyň funksiýasy bilen arer kislorasiýasyny ulanmaly. Due to the special structure design of the Nernst oxygen probe, the oxygen probe can be purged directly without shutting down, so the service life of the oxygen analyzer is greatly increased.

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  • Keramiki günäkär
  • Elektrik stansiýasy
  • Keramiki günäkär
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